Visualizing very large protein complexes with UCSF ChimeraX


John "Scooter" Morris

Computational analysis of protein-protein interactions: Sequences, networks and diseases
4-10 November 2018, Rome Italy
Why ChimeraX? ChimeraX Demo Hands-on
Why ChimeraX? ChimeraX Demo Hands-on

UCSF ChimeraX Demo

Why ChimeraX? ChimeraX Demo Hands-on

Hands-on Exercises - 1

  1. Make sure you have added the contents of the thumb drive to your Downloads directory
  2. Start ChimeraX and select Help→Quick Start Guide
  3. Follow the instructions

Hands-on Exercises - 2

  1. Close everything File→Close Session (command line: close all)
  2. In the command line (at the bottom of ChimeraX, type "open"
  3. Follow the instructions either clicking the commands or typing them into the Command line