ChimeraX Recipes

Select residues that cross periodic box faces

Molecular dynamics simulations using a periodic box will typically have structural elements that cross the periodic box boundaries during the course of the simulation. Even simulations that have been “re-imaged” to keep the principal solute from crossing the box boundaries will frequently have other elements, such as solvents or lipids, that cross the box faces. When viewing the trajectory such elements will seem to “leap” from one side of the simulation to the other, which may be an undesirable distraction in a presentation, web page, or other contexts.

The Python code below ( will select residues that cross a periodic boundary during the course of the simulation. Once selected they then could be hidden, deleted, or otherwise manipulated — such as further reducing the selection to just solvent (e.g. “sel sel & solvent”). Opening the code in ChimeraX selects the boundary-crossing residues:


Here is the code:

from chimerax.atomic import all_atomic_structures
crossers = set()
for s in all_atomic_structures(session):
	if s.num_coordsets < 2:
	s.atoms.selecteds = False
	coords = s.atoms.coords
	min_size = None
	for axis in range(3):
		axis_coords = coords[:,axis]
		size = max(axis_coords) - min(axis_coords)
		if min_size is None or size < min_size:
			min_size = size
	cross_distance = min_size / 2
	cs_ids = s.coordset_ids
	for i, cs_id in enumerate(cs_ids[:-1]):
		xyzs = s.coordset(cs_id).xyzs
		next_xyzs = s.coordset(cs_ids[i+1]).xyzs
		for r in s.residues:
			if r in crossers or not r.atoms:
			coord_index = r.atoms[0].coord_index
			for axis in range(3):
				if abs(xyzs[coord_index][axis] - next_xyzs[coord_index][axis]) > cross_distance:
					r.atoms.selecteds = True