ChimeraX Recipes

Find closest pair of atoms

Here is Python code defining a command “closest” that finds the closest pair of atoms between two set of atoms. Opening the code in ChimeraX adds the command


then use the command on two sets of atoms

open 7LUP
closest /A to /B show true

Minimum distance 2.27 between /A LYS 45 NZ and /B ASP 522 OD1

Here is the code:

# Add command "closest" that finds the closest pair of atoms given two
# sets of atoms.
# open 7LUP
# closest /A to /B
#  Minimum distance 2.27 between /A LYS 45 NZ and /B ASP 522 OD1

def closest(session, atoms, to_atoms, max_dist = 10, show = False):
    xyz1, xyz2 = atoms.scene_coords, to_atoms.scene_coords
    from chimerax.geometry import find_closest_points
    i1, i2, nearest1 = find_closest_points(xyz1, xyz2, max_dist)
    if len(nearest1) == 0:
        d = a1 = a2 = None
        v = xyz2[nearest1] - xyz1[i1]
        d2 = (v*v).sum(axis=1)
        c = d2.argmin()
        c1, c2 = i1[c], nearest1[c]
        a1, a2 = atoms[c1], to_atoms[c2]
        from math import sqrt
        d = sqrt(d2[c])
    report_closest(session, d, a1, a2, show, max_dist)
    return d, a1, a2

def report_closest(session, d, a1, a2, show, max_dist):
    if d is None:
        msg = 'No atom pairs within distance %.3g of each other' % max_dist
        msg = 'Minimum distance %.2f between %s and %s' % (d, str(a1), str(a2))
    session.logger.status(msg, log = True)

    if show and a1 and a2:
        from chimerax.core.commands import run
        run(session, 'distance %s %s' % (a1.atomspec, a2.atomspec))
        run(session, 'view %s %s' % (a1.atomspec, a2.atomspec))

def closest_slow(session, atoms, to_atoms, max_dist = 10, show = False):
    '''Loop through every pair of atoms in Python.  This is slow.'''
    dmin = amin1 = amin2 = None
    from chimerax.geometry import distance
    for a1 in atoms:
        for a2 in to_atoms:
            d = distance(a1.scene_coord, a2.scene_coord)
            if (dmin is None or d < dmin) and d <= max_dist:
                dmin, amin1, amin2 = d, a1, a2
    report_closest(session, dmin, amin1, amin2, show, max_dist)
    return dmin, amin1, amin2

def register_command(session):
    from chimerax.core.commands import CmdDesc, register, FloatArg, BoolArg
    from chimerax.atomic import AtomsArg
    desc = CmdDesc(required= [('atoms', AtomsArg)],
                   keyword = [('to_atoms', AtomsArg),
                              ('max_dist', FloatArg),
                              ('show', BoolArg)],
                   required_arguments = ['to_atoms'],
                   synopsis = 'find closest pair of atoms')
    register('closest', desc, closest, logger=session.logger)


Tom Goddard, Sptember 28, 2021