Here is Python code defining a command copycrds that copies coordinates from one conformer to another. The conformers must have the same atom and residue names. Open in ChimeraX to define the copycrds command
then use the command to copy coordinates from (e.g.) model #1 to model #2
copycrds #1 to #2
Here is the code:
# Create command to copy all atom coordiates from one conformer to another.
# Opening this file in ChimeraX defines the copycrds command.
# copycrds #1 to #2
def copycrds(session, from_struct, to=None):
from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
if from_struct.num_atoms != to.num_atoms:
raise UserError("Both structures must have the same number of atoms")
from_atoms = from_struct.atoms
to_atoms = to.atoms
from_info = [a.string(style="command", omit_structure=True) for a in from_atoms]
to_info = [a.string(style="command", omit_structure=True) for a in to_atoms]
if from_info == to_info:
# safe to just copy coordinates directly
to_atoms.coords = from_atoms.coords
fi_set = set(from_info)
ti_set = set(to_info)
if fi_set != ti_set:
# different atoms and/or residues
differences = fi_set ^ ti_set
raise UserError("The two structures have different atoms (e.g. %s)" % differences.pop())
# have the same atoms but in a different order -- assign coordinates "by hand"
to_atom_lookup = {}
for to_string, to_atom in zip(to_info, to_atoms):
to_atom_lookup[to_string] = to_atom
for from_string, from_atom in zip(from_info, from_atoms):
to_atom_lookup[from_string].coord = from_atom.coord
def register_command(session):
from chimerax.core.commands import CmdDesc, register
from chimerax.atomic import StructureArg
desc = CmdDesc(
required = [('from_struct', StructureArg)],
required_arguments = ['to'],
keyword = [('to', StructureArg)],
synopsis = 'copy atom coordinates between structures')
register('copycrds', desc, copycrds, logger=session.logger)
Eric Pettersen, February 24, 2023