ChimeraX Recipes

Plot ModelCIF pairwise residue scores

Here is Python code defining a command “modelcif pae” that plots pairwise residue scores found in the ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise table found in some ModelCIF files. These scores are often predicted aligned error values from AlphaFold. The command writes a file in AlhpaFold JSON PAE format and opens it with the alphafold pae command. Displaying pairwise scores was requested by Gerardo Tauriello on the ChimeraX mailing list.

Here’s an ChimeraX example using a Pombe histone H3/H4 and DPB3 complex ModelCIF file 003-Spombe_H3-H4_tetramer_DPB3.cif.

open ~/Downloads/003-Spombe_H3-H4_tetramer_DPB3.cif

Open the Python code to define the modelcif pae command

open ~/Downloads/

Then create the score plot with

modelcif pae #1

Here is the code:

# Read pairwise residue scores from a ModelCIF file and plot them in ChimeraX.

def modelcif_pae(session, structure, json_output_path = None, metric_id = None, default_score = 100):

    matrix = read_pairwise_scores(structure, metric_id = metric_id, default_score = default_score)

    if json_output_path is None:
        import tempfile
        temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = 'modelcif_pae_', suffix = '.json')
        json_output_path =

    write_json_pae_file(json_output_path, matrix)

    # Open PAE plot
    from chimerax.core.commands import run, quote_if_necessary
    open_cmd = f'alphafold pae #{structure.id_string} file {quote_if_necessary(json_output_path)}'
    run(session, open_cmd)

def read_pairwise_scores(structure, metric_id = None, default_score = 100):
    if not hasattr(structure, 'filename'):
        from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
        raise UserError(f'Structure {structure} has no associated file')

    values = read_ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise_table(structure.filename)
    if values is None:
        from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
        raise UserError(f'Structure file {structure.filename} contains no pairwise residue scores (i.e. no table "ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise")')

    # Use only the scores with the given metric id.
    if metric_id is None and len(values) > 0:
        metric_id = values[0][5]
    values = [v for v in values if v[5] == metric_id]
    if len(values) == 0:
        from chimerax.core.errors import UserError
        raise UserError(f'Structure file {structure.filename} has no scores for metric id "{metric_id}"')

    matrix_index = {(r.chain_id,r.number):ri for ri,r in enumerate(structure.residues)}

    nr = structure.num_residues
    from numpy import empty, float32
    matrix = empty((nr,nr), float32)
    matrix[:] = default_score

    for model_id, chain_id_1, res_num_1, chain_id_2, res_num_2, metric_id, metric_value in values:
        res_num_1, res_num_2, metric_value = int(res_num_1), int(res_num_2), float(metric_value)
        r1 = matrix_index[(chain_id_1, res_num_1)]
        r2 = matrix_index[(chain_id_2, res_num_2)]
        matrix[r1,r2] = metric_value

    return matrix

def read_ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise_table(path):
    from chimerax.mmcif import get_cif_tables
    table_names = ['ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise']
        tables = get_cif_tables(path, table_names)
    except TypeError:
        # Bug in get_cif_tables() results in TypeError if table not present.  Ticket #16054
        return None
    if len(tables) == 0:
        return None
    ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise = tables[0]

    field_names = ['model_id',
                   'label_asym_id_1', 'label_seq_id_1',
                   'label_asym_id_2', 'label_seq_id_2',
                   'metric_id', 'metric_value']
    values = ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise.fields(field_names)
    return values

def write_json_pae_file(json_output_path, matrix):
    # Write matrix in JSON AlphaFold PAE format
    # {"pae": [[17.14, 18.75, 17.91, ...], [5.32, 8.23, ...], ... ]}
    n = matrix.shape[0]
    dists = ', '.join(('[ ' + ', '.join('%.2f' % matrix[i,j] for j in range(n)) + ' ]')
                      for i in range(n))
    with open(json_output_path, 'w') as file:
        file.write('{"pae": [')

def register_command(logger):
    from chimerax.core.commands import CmdDesc, register, StringArg, FloatArg, SaveFileNameArg
    from chimerax.atomic import StructureArg
    desc = CmdDesc(
        required = [('structure', StructureArg)],
        keyword = [('metric_id', StringArg),
                   ('default_score', FloatArg),
                   ('json_output_path', SaveFileNameArg)],
        synopsis = 'Plot ModelCIF pairwise residue scores'
    register('modelcif pae', desc, modelcif_pae, logger=logger)


Tom Goddard, October 1, 2024