ChimeraX Recipes

Show PyMol view direction

Here is Python code defining a command “pymolview” that sets the camera view direction to match a view in PyMol using the parameters from the PyMol cmd.get_view() function. Open the Python code to define the command


then use the command to set the camera view using the 18 parameters reported by PyMol.

open 4v0x
pymolview 0.5338886380195618, 0.19662711024284363, 0.8223745822906494, 0.1919989138841629, 0.9189900159835815, -0.34437406063079834, -0.8234677910804749, 0.34175243973731995, 0.452885240316391, 0.0, 0.0, -177.17364501953125, -27.024879455566406, 14.224754333496094, -6.485495567321777, 139.68505859375, 214.6622314453125, -20.0
PyMol ChimeraX

This command does not set the clip planes or orthographic projection although those could be easily added.

Here is the code:

# Set the ChimeraX camera to match the view report by PyMol function cmd.get_view()
# Open this Python code to define the ChimeraX pymolview command
#   open
#   pymolview 0.5338886380195618, 0.19662711024284363, 0.8223745822906494, 0.1919989138841629, 0.9189900159835815, -0.34437406063079834, -0.8234677910804749, 0.34175243973731995, 0.452885240316391, 0.0, 0.0, -177.17364501953125, -27.024879455566406, 14.224754333496094, -6.485495567321777, 139.68505859375, 214.6622314453125, -20.0
def pymol_view(session, parameters):
    view = [float(p) for p in parameters.split(',')]
    r0,r1,r2 = view[:3], view[3:6], view[6:9]   # rotate model to camera
    cam_origin = view[9:12]                     # rotation origin in camera coords
    model_origin = view[12:15]                  # rotation origin in model coords.
    near_clip, far_clip = view[15:17]
    ortho_flag = view[17]
    from chimerax.geometry import Place, translation
    scene_to_camera = (translation(cam_origin) *
                       Place(axes = (r0,r1,r2)) *
                       translation([-x for x in model_origin]))
    camera_to_scene = scene_to_camera.inverse()
    camera =
    camera.position = camera_to_scene

def register_command(logger):
    from chimerax.core.commands import register, CmdDesc, RestOfLine
    desc = CmdDesc(required = [('parameters', RestOfLine)],
                   synopsis='Set camera view direction to match PyMol')
    register('pymolview', desc, pymol_view, logger=logger)


Tom Goddard, June 24, 2022